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TestoFuel Blog : Make Gains & Pack on the Muscle

Submit a Testimonial

Welcome to the TestoFuel testimonial submission page. We are always looking for more people who are willing to show off the success they have had with TestoFuel.

If you’ve taken TestoFuel for a minimum of a month, we’d like to hear from you.

If you’ve not started taking TestoFuel, then remember to take your before photo as soon as possible. Then, to ensure you get the absolute best results, check out and for guides in fat burning and muscle building.

We will reward any successful testimonials with free product, to ensure they keep making big gains!

What do you need?

  • Clear before and after images
  • An image of you holding the TestoFuel bottle or wearing TestoFuel clothing
  • A short written review (200 words +)
  • A video review of the product (optional)

What do you get?

  • 2 months of TestoFuel free for before and after images and a written submission, or
  • 2 months of TestoFuel for a short video and a written submission, or
  • 4 months of TestoFuel for both of the above

Once you’ve got everything ready, complete the form below and one of our team will get back to you.

We can only send out free supplements to people who are successful and get featured on our testimonials page. If you have any questions about this, head to our Facebook.